
Thursday, April 11, 2013

Pro Tools 11 Review

In today’s post, I will be reviewing a new version of the software Pro Tools 11.  For those of you who may not be familiar with this product or have not read any of my previous blogs, Pro Tools is the next generation of the best sounding, most widely used audio production software in the industry.  The software enables you to record, compose, edit and mix with great speed and ease. Pro Tools is the industry’s standard for recording studios and is the best software, in my opinion, for tracking/recording and mixing vocals. Pro Tools is created by Avid and sells for around $300 - $600, depending on the version purchased.

One of the major upgrades in Pro Tools 11 is the 64-bit architecture and highly enhanced audio engine. This enables the user the ability to tap into more processing power (RAM) and handle larger more complex sessions. Another great upgrade to Pro Tools 11 is the offline bounce feature. In Pro Tools 10, and lower versions, the user was required to perform Real-Time bounces of their session. This means that if a session were 5 minutes long it would take 5 minutes to bounce. The offline bounce is now capable of rendering fully processed audio and bounces in up to 150 times playback speed. They have also made professional metering enhancements, which helps to provide precision monitoring but is only included in the HD version of Pro Tools 11. Avid are urging new users to buy Pro Tools 10 now through their promotional deal, “Anyone purchasing or upgrading to Pro Tools 10 after April 7, 2013 will receive a FREE upgrade to Pro Tools 11”, which is a great deal.

Currently Pro Tools 11 is not available for purchase but I strongly suggest you keep an eye out for it on Avid’s website (creator of Pro Tools), as well as on and Sweetwater is the one-stop shop for anything music wise and Studica is a great student discount website. I am not sure of the exact release date but on it states that the software will be released in late May. As a current Pro Tools 10 user myself I look forward to making this upgrade, and would suggest you do the same.             

I would welcome receiving your feedback on the software and to also let me know what you think about the upgrade – whether you think it is worth buying or not.

*If you want to learn more about Pro Tools, you can check out one of my earlier posts here.  

Below is an announcement video of Pro Tools 11.


  1. Thanks for sharing this post on Pro tools 11. I haven't upgraded my Pro tools since version 9, but I've been thinking about upgrading the whole studio soon, and 11 sounds like a must have. I am already a huge fan of Pro Tools for recording and mixing, but from the sounds of 11, I'm going to fall in love all over again. Pro tools 11 has more enhance audio, which means better sounding quality then any other version. And the offline bounce speeds up the process of getting a track done, I will no longer have to sit and wait for a track to bounce, I love that idea. I really cannot wait for 11. I'm getting excited about it.
